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Solutions For Low Google Rankings And Enhanced Search Performance

In today's competitive digital landscape, businesses often grapple with the challenge of achieving optimal online visibility, facing the hurdle of low Google rankings. The significance of addressing low Google rankings cannot be overstated, as they directly impact a website's discoverability and organic traffic.

Solutions For Low Google Rankings And Enhanced Search Performance

Thomas Mitchell

Dec 27, 2023

The significance of Google rankings in the digital era cannot be emphasized, as the internet is the world's leading information center. Being included on Google's first page of search results is like having a premium storefront on the busiest street in town for companies, blogs, and internet entities.

However, many people need help to get and stay at the top of Google's search results pages. Google's search engine ranks webpages based on a wide range of criteria. It is a sophisticated and dynamic beast. These variables include a website's technological stability as well as the caliber and applicability of its content.

The user experience, mobile friendliness, and overall value a website provides to its users have become more and more critical to the algorithm in recent years. The process of optimizing a website for higher ranks gets more complex and subtle as Google's algorithms get more advanced.

Low Google ranks can lead to dissatisfaction and missed chances for many people. The impact of not appearing on the first page of Google's search results can be significant, leading to reduced website traffic, lower engagement, and, ultimately, a decrease in revenue or influence.

This comprehensive guide delves into the often-misunderstood realm of Google's search algorithms, aiming to demystify the reasons behindlow Google rankingsand provide actionable solutions.

What Are Google Rankings?

A Person Holding White Ipad Mini
A Person Holding White Ipad Mini

The result that appears first on the search engine results page (SERP) after doing a Google search is the result that Google believes to be most relevant to the search query.

Google employs an intricate array of diverse criteria to generate intricate algorithms that ascertain your website's or business's rating. The following are some examples of what might raise website rankings;

  • The site's overall keyword use
  • The usage of each page's internal and external links Page load times
  • Does the website have mobile optimization?

Right now, there are around two billion websites on the internet. Every one of these websites has to be evaluated and ranked according to relevancy whenever Google is processing one of its 5.6 billion daily queries.

If your company's Google rating could be better, it's because the material on your website seems to be irrelevant to the searches that people are doing.

A staggering 90.63% of web pages receive no organic search traffic from Google, as reported by Ahrefs.

What Is Considered A Good Google Ranking?

The top result that is presented to you when you search on Google will be pertinent and will provide an answer to the question that you have asked. Google is not in the business of providing search results that are not related to the user's query.

Each page of the Google search results will provide ten different websites for you to choose from. There will be times when the first three to five results are different from what you are searching for, but you will likely find a page that is perfect for your needs inside those first three to five results.

Here is a breakdown of the click-through rates for each of the various locations on the Google search engine results pages;

  • 32%
  • 17%
  • 11%
  • 8%
  • 6%

The first page you see when you search for anything is the most essential of all the sites. On the other hand, by the time you reach the final item on the first page of the search engine results page, you will only obtain a click-through rate of around 2%. This indicates that even the bottom of the first page of the SERPs is considered to be a poor Google ranking.

For every given search, the top page of the search engine results page (SERP) will receive 91% of the total hits that are related to the search. Furthermore, this indicates that the remaining nine percent will be distributed among all of the other findings.

If you continue to go down the second page of the results pages, you will see that this percentage is getting closer and closer to zero.

Close-Up Shot of a Person Using a Laptop
Close-Up Shot of a Person Using a Laptop

How To Detect An SEO Ranking Drop?

There is a wide variety of possibilities that might result in the detection of positional drops.

  • Organic traffic, often known as traffic from search engines, has been on the decline.
  • Low numbers for both income and traffic.
  • Your URLs are being removed from the first page of search engine results pages (SERP).
  • You are experiencing issues with indexing new posts.
  • Your rank tracker reveals a somewhat unexpected decline.

You may notice at least one of these flags, which are essentially indications that there is something wrong with your website that Google does not find appealing.

As per HubSpot, 60% of marketers identify inbound strategies, including SEO and blog content, as their highest quality source of leads.

Reasons Your Rankings Dropped Dramatically

Google Manual Action Penalty

In the event that you see a significant decline in your Google SEO ranking (one that is greater than ten spots), the primary cause may be a Google manual action penalty. Google issues this penalty in the event that they discover that the pages on your website do not comply with the quality requirements that they have established.

The presence of user-generated spam on your website, the hacking of your website, and the presence of backlinksthat are not genuine are some of the leading reasons for Google penalties.

Your Website Has Been Blacklisted

Your website may have been either banned or infiltrated by hackers if you are experiencing a fast decline in the amount of organic traffic that it receives. How does that come about? Nevertheless, there are a variety of methods that hackers might use to infect your website, including assaults using malware.

As a result of the fact that Google only provides its consumers with a list of secure websites, the company routinely checks each website for any malware infection. Depending on the degree of the infection, Google may either suspend your website from its search engine or even designate it as misleading if it is found to be one of the websites that have been hacked.

Google Algorithm Update

One of the most prevalent factors that can adversely affect your website's rankings is the regular updates to Google's algorithm.

The algorithm that Google uses to determine search results undergoes frequent, both significant and subtle adjustments. The algorithm is improved as a result of the improvements, which allows it to give consumers the most outstanding possible search experience.

Changes in the algorithms used by search engines can have a significant impact on the ranking of your website. SEO professionals need to keep a careful eye on Google updates for any algorithm changes that may affect their customers' companies.

Competitors Outranking You

Websites can lose page rank even when they are operating with the utmost diligence; this can happen even if they have not broken any rules or been neglectful; your rivals may be doing better.

Your opponent may emerge victorious in the rankings battle for a number of significant keywords if they have superior SEO tactics and outstanding keyword research and optimization abilities.

Additional significant reasons for getting outranked include the fact that rival websites provide quicker loading times and a better user experience than the websites in question.

Another offender is content that is too thin. Websites that have a large amount of material but offer little value to consumers typically perform poorly over time. Although Google does not punish websites with low-quality material, it does reward websites that have information that is of high quality, informative, and well-researched.

Recent Website Changes

Changing the design of a website, transferring it, or enabling HTTPS on a website can all have a detrimental influence on Google results if they are not executed appropriately. Check to see whether any member of your team has implemented any of the following website modifications;

  • Modified the URL of your website.
  • An erroneous implementation of 301 redirects from older URLs was observed.
  • Your website's content has been reworked or improved, including the inclusion of SEO keywords.
  • Changes that will result in your web pages losing their indexing should be implemented (pages should be changed to index).

Website Technical Issues

There is also a possibility that your ranking will shift to reflect the fact that Google is experiencing technical difficulties when crawling and indexing your page.

An irregularity in the way that Google crawls the web can be the reason why it is unable to visit your website. Furthermore, as a consequence of this, it will be unable to index and rank your website inside its search results.

Google Search Engine on Screen
Google Search Engine on Screen

How To Recover Low Google Ranking?

A decline in Google's ranks may be a significant blow in the ever-changing world of digital marketing. It's not the end of the path, though. It takes a calculated strategy, knowledge of SEO best practices, and dedication to ongoing development to recover from poor Google ranks. Here's a thorough how-to tutorial on recovering;

Don't Panic

We all experience this, so don't freak out. It falls under SEO. Actually, the only thing we can be sure of with SEO is declines in Google ranks.

Fortunately, most of the time, there is nothing to be concerned about. Perhaps Google is adjusting its ranking system, or perhaps your rank-tracking software is functioning strangely. When you check again the next day, you'll frequently find that everything is back to normal.

But what happens if you're merely nervous and want to make sure everything is in order or if your rankings don't improve? Follow the instructions below and get our checklist to find out fast if your website has search engine optimization problems or if everything is fine and Google will need some time.

Conduct A Comprehensive Website Audit

Finding the cause of the issue is the first step towards healing. Perform a comprehensive audit of your website to find any problems that could be influencing your results.

This entails examining off-page variables (such as social signals and backlinks) as well as on-page SEO components (including meta tags, keyword optimization, and high-quality content) and technical SEO problems (like crawl errors, broken links, and site speed). This study can benefit from the use of tools such as Google Analytics, Google Search Console, and other SEO software.

Improve Website Content

Content is king when it comes to SEO. Google gives preference to websites with excellent, relevant, and valuable content. It's time for a makeover if your material needs to be updated, scant, or more helpful to your readers.

Make sure that all of your material is interesting and pertinent to your target audience by updating older pieces and adding fresh, educational stuff. Include keywords organically, paying particular attention to long-tail keywords that might draw in more specialized visitors.

Improve The User Interface

User experience is becoming more and more important in Google's algorithms (UX). A website that is hard to use, loads slowly, or needs to be responsive to mobile devices is probably going to drop in the ranks.

Optimize page performance, make sure your website is mobile-friendly, and design user-friendly site navigation to improve user experience on your website. Resources such as Google's PageSpeed Insights can offer insightful advice on how to enhance the functionality of your website.

Focus On On-Page SEO

Effective on-page SEO is essential for high ranks. Make sure that every page on your website is optimized for pertinent keywords, but not too so.

Title tags, meta descriptions, header tags, and image optimization are all included in this. Every page should have a meta description that incorporates your goal keywords and a title that is clear, concise, and descriptive.

A vital component of Google's ranking system is backlinks. But the quality of the backlinks is just as important as their quantity.

Concentrate on obtaining backlinks from respectable, well-known websites in your industry. Steer clear of black-hat SEO techniques like purchasing links, as these may result in penalties. Instead, to get backlinks organically, work with influencers, create shareable content, and guest blog.

Deal With Technical Seo Problems

Technical SEO problems can have a significant effect on your rankings. Make sure search engines readily crawl your website and have a precise sitemap. Resolve broken link issues, increase site performance, and make sure your website is safe (HTTPS). In Google Search Console, look for crawl issues on a regular basis and fix them right away.

Optimize For Mobile

It is imperative to have a mobile-friendly website due to the growing popularity of mobile search. Google indexes material primarily using the mobile version, a practice known as "mobile-first indexing." Make sure your website works well on mobile devices and is responsive.

Leverage Social Media

Social media signals affect your results indirectly, even though they are not a primary ranking element. A robust social media presence may improve brand awareness and enhance website traffic. Create a community around your brand by interacting with your audience and sharing your content on social media.

Track Your Development

SEO is more than just a one-and-done approach. Keep an eye on the functionality of your website on a regular basis with Google Analytics and Google Search Console. Pay attention to other vital data, such as organic traffic and rankings. This will assist you in determining what is effective and what needs development.

Person Using Macbook Pro with Google Website on Screen
Person Using Macbook Pro with Google Website on Screen

The algorithm used by Google is constantly changing. Keep up with the most recent changes to algorithms and trends in SEO. To keep your website up to date with Google's recommendations and perform well in search rankings, adjust your techniques as necessary.

Improving one's Google rankings necessitates a diverse strategy that takes into account user experience, technical SEO, content quality, and continual evaluation and modification. You may raise the exposure of your website, increase organic traffic, and boost your Google rankings by using these strategies and maintaining your dedication to ongoing development.

FAQs About Google Rankings

Yes, low-quality or spammy backlinks can negatively impact your rankings. Google values the quality of backlinks more than quantity.

How Often Should You Update Your Website's Content For Better Rankings?

Regularly updating your website with fresh, relevant content can positively impact your rankings. There's no set frequency, but consistent updates are essential.

Is Keyword Stuffing Still An Effective SEO Strategy?

No, keyword stuffing is an outdated and penalized practice. Instead, focus on using keywords naturally and contextually within high-quality content.

To Sum Up

To effectively navigate the intricacies of Google's ranking system, one must adopt a well-rounded and knowledgeable strategy. Make sure your website is quick and easy to use, provide relevant material of high quality, and optimize it for mobile devices if you want to raise or improve your low Google rankings.

Focus on both on-page and off-page SEO techniques, especially when it comes to assembling a portfolio of superior backlinks. Strive for a natural integration of keywords into your text rather than using out-of-date strategies like keyword stuffing.

Keep an eye on how well your website is performing on a regular basis, keep up with the most recent developments in SEO and Google's algorithm, and be ready to modify your tactics as necessary. Recall that raising your website's Google ranks requires ongoing work and will reward you with more exposure, visitors, and trustworthiness for your brand.

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