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LinkedIn SEO And It Is So Important?

LinkedIn SEO is all about optimizing your LinkedIn profile and content for better visibility on LinkedIn's platform. When it comes to LinkedIn SEO, understanding the nuances of LinkedIn's algorithm is crucial.

LinkedIn SEO And It Is So Important?

Thomas Mitchell

Nov 25, 2023

Have you ever wondered why certain LinkedIn accounts get a ton of views, connections, and interaction while others seem to disappear? This is all because of LinkedIn SEO.

There's more to LinkedIn than just a job search platform. It's the ultimate social media platform for businesses trying to make alliances, recruit their next employee, or even monitor their rivals.

However, you must improve your LinkedIn SEO if you want your business to become more well-known. Similar to other social media platforms, LinkedIn features an algorithm and search engine, so companies utilizing the site will vie for users' attention.

Standing out from the competition on your company's page requires a little effort. In this article, we are going to dive into the world of LinkedIn SEO, which is the most crucial thing that your company needs to get attention on LinkedIn.

What Is LinkedIn SEO?

Learning Linkedin
Learning Linkedin

The practice of improving your LinkedIn profile and postings for LinkedIn search is known as LinkedIn SEO (search engine optimization). LinkedIn SEO is similar to strategies used to get websites ranked well in search engines like Google.

LinkedIn has over 706 million Active Users.

It entails conducting research and using keywords, such as terms related to your business or product, that clearly convey the message of your LinkedIn profile across the page. This facilitates applicants and potential customers in finding the page or service they need.

Why Is LinkedIn SEO So Important?

The main goal of SEO is to improve content discoverability on search engines. Enhancing your LinkedIn profile (or your company page) to appear higher in search results is known as search engine optimization or SEO. Additionally, your visibility to recruiters and potential clients increases with better ranks.

LinkedIn SEO is structured similarly to website optimization for Google, making on-page improvements, target audience analysis, and keyword research (more on that later). This is how using an SEO strategy may help your LinkedIn efforts:

Generates Warm Leads

With an optimized profile, you may show up as a reliable source when people look for your business, services, or other relevant industry keywords on LinkedIn. These might be warm leads, depending on the information they're seeking. They've shown interest in the solutions you can offer.

You can locate these individuals on LinkedIn, connect with them, and help them go through your sales funnel. Additionally, LinkedIn is the most extensive professional network globally. As a result, it could help you and your company reach your intended market.

Helps You Find Jobs And Hire The Right People

With LinkedIn's powerful search capabilities, recruiters may quickly identify the ideal prospects thanks to optimized profiles. Additionally, job seekers may make sure the proper recruiters find their profiles by using best practices for profile optimization.

Furthermore, profile optimization is now even more crucial than it was a few years ago. Since the epidemic began, the number of remote job advertisements on LinkedIn has surged by a factor of more than five worldwide.

Tips For Profile
Tips For Profile

LinkedIn Can Help You Get Noticed

Hiring managers and recruiters may find you through LinkedIn. It's crucial to remember that you shouldn't submit your CV on LinkedIn. Instead, it is a social network where professionals may locate one another and establish connections with other like-minded individuals in their field.

An employer or recruiter reviewing your profile will take note of the number of relationships (and endorsements) you have with people in comparable jobs.

This implies that an individual may determine immediately whether or not a particular person would be a good fit for the position they are trying to fill if they come across anything intriguing on their newsfeeds or updates, such as an article on "the best way" to write an eBook!

LinkedIn Can Help You Network

You may network with people in your sector and at firms you're interested in by using LinkedIn. It is possible to locate individuals who have links to other experts or who can assist you in establishing contacts with the individuals you wish to meet.

If someone knows someone who belongs to this group, it might be worthwhile to get in touch with them personally to see if there's a chance to work together based on shared interests.

You Can Use LinkedIn To Research Companies

LinkedIn is a valuable tool for company research. You may learn more about a company's background, operations, and hiring practices. You may search for the company's name, website, and contact details. Additionally, you obtain details about their hiring requirements, including job title and preferred location, and their culture, if applicable.

One excellent location to highlight your abilities and expertise is on your LinkedIn page. It's simple for folks to view your prior accomplishments when you attach your CV to your profile. You can also include your employment history, volunteer activities, and education and certifications.

You Can Connect With Professionals In Your Industry On LinkedIn

Using LinkedIn to connect with individuals in your field is highly recommended. For instance, making connections with other industry experts on LinkedIn is one of the most excellent methods to find a job in marketing and advertising.

Another way to network with people who work at similar or related firms to yours is to search under "Companies" (or any other relevant category) and then choose "People."

In addition, you may use their name or title to find experts; however, if this filter yields no relevant results, you could want to add more descriptive keywords like "marketing manager" or "account executive."

You Can Find Hiring Managers On LinkedIn

LinkedIn can assist you in finding employment by looking for hiring managers. Hiring managers may be located using the search tool, as well as more sophisticated options like "Location" and "Industry."

Looking through each company's profile before applying is advised if your goal is to work for one that has an open position. While some companies have shallow entry barriers into their network, many employers will only accept applications if they believe you meet specific requirements (such as having an impressive academic record).

Linkedin Open On Laptop
Linkedin Open On Laptop

How Do You Boost Your LinkedIn Profile With SEO?

LinkedIn is a powerful platform for professionals to network and showcase their skills. To make the most of it, you need to understand how LinkedIn SEO works.

Step 1 - Focus On The Keywords

Keywords are the foundation of LinkedIn SEO. These are the words or phrases that people use when searching for specific services or professionals. Start by creating a list of 7-10 keywords or phrases that your ideal clients would use to find your services.

For example, if you're a project manager, your keywords could include "Project Management" and "Experienced Accountant." Now, use these keywords strategically throughout your profile:

  • Headline
  • Role descriptions
  • Skills and endorsements

LinkedIn prioritizes skills already in its database, so choose relevant suggestions when adding new skills.

Step 2 - Short But Descriptive Headlines

Your LinkedIn headline is crucial for both SEO and personal branding. Customize it to include your role title, industry, and specialty. Make sure to use all 120 available characters for maximum impact. Avoid using emojis in your headline.

Example - "Professional Project Manager | Real Estate Expert | Experienced Accountant"

Step 3 - Profile Completeness Percentage

To rank higher on LinkedIn, aim for a 100% complete profile. Fill out every section, and consider using bullet points for easy readability. LinkedIn provides automated guidance to help you complete your profile.

Connect with quality contacts that align with your industry and target clients, prioritizing quality over quantity.

Step 4 - Job Title Optimization

Search for your current job title on Google and see what variations appear. If a variation is more common, consider amending your title to match it. This can improve your search visibility.

Step 5 - Profile URL Customization

LinkedIn allows you to personalize your profile URL, making it more user-friendly and professional. Follow these steps to change your LinkedIn public profile URL:

  • Click the "Me" icon at the top of your LinkedIn homepage.
  • Click "View profile."
  • Click "Edit public profile & URL" on the right side.
  • Under "Edit your custom URL" on the right side, click the "Edit" icon next to your public profile URL.
  • Type the last part of your new custom URL in the text box.
  • Click "Save."

Updating your URL on your email signature and marketing collateral can help strengthen your online presence.

Step 6 - Profile Picture Optimization

A profile photo can significantly impact your LinkedIn visibility. Members with profile photos can receive up to 21 times more profile views. Use a clear, high-quality photo of yourself against a plain background.

Show your head and shoulders, and wear professional attire. Consider adjusting your privacy settings to allow users who are not yet connected to see your photo. To change the visibility of your profile photo:

  • Click the "Me" icon at the top of your LinkedIn homepage.
  • Click "View profile."
  • Click on your profile photo.
  • Near the bottom right of the pop-up window, click "Visibility" and select the desired visibility option.
  • Click "Apply" to save the changes.
Settings Icon
Settings Icon

Ranking Factors For SEO On LinkedIn

Similar to other search engines, LinkedIn withholds certain complex aspects of its algorithm from public view.

Do you know! LinkedIn receives 15x more impressions than job postings.

But after extensive testing, data analysis, and a dash of SEO magic, we've discovered a few crucial ranking indicators to pay attention to:


LinkedIn places a strong emphasis on how relevant a profile or piece of information is to a searcher. Your title, synopsis, professional background, and even the talents you offer will all influence this.


LinkedIn considers content, whether it be posts, articles, or videos, to be important when it garners likes, shares, and comments. As a consequence, it appears higher in the news feed and search results. For an extra touchpoint, you could even notice some of your most beloved contacts appearing on LinkedIn stories.

Personal Connections

It matters how strong your ties are. Your material is more likely to be seen by first-degree connections, but if they interact with it, it may also go to their connections, and so on.


The perfect keywords may make or destroy your LinkedIn exposure, just like they do with traditional SEO. Make sure that your job experience, synopsis, and headline accurately represent your qualifications and what potential customers could look for.

Regular Activity

The algorithm gives a nod to active users. This implies that you may gain a slight advantage by posting, commenting, and even doing basic things like updating your profile or endorsing a talent on a frequent basis.

Recommendations & Endorsements

LinkedIn rates you higher for having more real recommendations and endorsements for the talents you've mentioned.

Recall that, like every other search engine, LinkedIn's algorithm is constantly changing. Maintaining and raising your LinkedIn SEO game requires being current, experimenting with various tactics, and paying attention to user intent. Optimizing your network requires an understanding of SEO and integrating it with other LinkedIn marketing strategies.

What Is The Ranking System On LinkedIn?

Due to the use of an algorithm, LinkedIn will calculate your position in the search results depending on a variety of variables. Indeed, LinkedIn has a rating system of its own.

The posts that show at the top of the feed are chosen using this algorithm. Users could thus view older posts before seeing recent ones.

Similar to Google, LinkedIn's algorithmic criteria often fluctuate at the moment; the two most important aspects are the Social Selling Index and dwell time.

Social Selling Index

The Social Selling Index (SSI) evaluates your brand's effectiveness as well as your ability to find and connect with relevant people, engage with insights, and build connections. Your postings will show closer to the top of the stream if your SSI is greater.

Dwell Time

The length of time a user spends examining a post is known as the dwell time. Therefore, a post has a greater chance of rising to the top of the feed if someone interacts with it for a more extended period, such as by reading the material or viewing the video.

Social Life
Social Life

How Can You Get Your Dream Job From LinkedIn?

If you're looking to get your dream job through LinkedIn, here are some tips to help you:

Optimize Your Profile

Your LinkedIn profile should be complete and up-to-date, with a professional profile picture and a clear headline. Make sure to include a summary that highlights your skills, experience, and achievements. Use relevant keywords in your profile to make yourself discoverable by recruiters.

Build Your Network

Connect with people in your industry, including former colleagues, classmates, and other professionals. Engage with your connections by commenting on their posts and sharing your insights. The more connections you have, the broader your job-search network becomes.

Search For Jobs

Use LinkedIn's job search feature to find opportunities that match your skills and experience. You can also set up job alerts to be notified when new positions are posted.

Apply For Jobs

When you find a job you're interested in, make sure to tailor your application to the specific requirements of the position. Use keywords from the job description in your resume and cover letter, and highlight your relevant experience.

Leverage LinkedIn's Features

Take advantage of LinkedIn's features, such as the ability to showcase your work samples, request recommendations from your connections, and join groups related to your industry.

Be Proactive

Don't wait for job postings to come to you. Reach out to recruiters and hiring managers directly, and let them know you're interested in opportunities in your field

LinkedIn SEO - FAQs

Why Is LinkedIn SEO Important?

LinkedIn SEO helps improve your profile's discoverability by recruiters, potential clients, and others searching for relevant keywords or services.

How Can LinkedIn SEO Generate Warm Leads?

By optimizing your profile, you can attract potential clients or job seekers who are actively searching for the solutions or services you offer.

What Are Some Key Factors That Affect LinkedIn SEO?

Factors like relevance, engagement, personal connections, keywords, profile completion, regular activity, and recommendations influence LinkedIn SEO.

Overall, It May Be Said

LinkedIn SEO is a critical aspect of maximizing your presence and success on the platform. Just like traditional search engine optimization, LinkedIn SEO involves optimizing your profile and content to improve your visibility in search results and attract the right audience.

By focusing on keywords, profile completeness, engagement, and networking, you can generate warm leads, find job opportunities, and connect with professionals in your industry. Understanding the ranking factors and algorithm of LinkedIn, including factors like relevance, engagement, personal connections, and dwell time, can help you make informed decisions to boost your visibility on the platform.

To get your dream job on LinkedIn, it's essential to optimize your profile, build a strong network, actively search for jobs, tailor your applications, leverage LinkedIn's features, and be proactive in reaching out to recruiters and hiring managers. LinkedIn SEO can play a pivotal role in achieving your career goals on this powerful professional networking platform.

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